Exhibition curator: how to work in the art world?

If you want to become an exhibition curator and therefore have a passion for art and culture, this guide is for you. Would you like to turn your love of culture into a real job? As of today, it is certainly possible to turn this dream into reality. Being an exhibition curator is a profession that guarantees many satisfactions, both personal and economic. In this guide we would like to show you how to work in the art world and become a valued and professional curator.

Analysing the tasks

The curator is a professional figure who deals with the planning and organisation of temporary exhibitions, presentations and installations. This is a role of great responsibility, which can be included in this circle of competences that is decidedly multi-tasking. But what are the specific tasks of an exhibition curator? The curator's tasks are very varied: the curator is responsible for selecting and evaluating the content of the exhibition, i.e. the works to be exhibited. They also have to select and prepare the venue and organise the exhibition installations.

Attending a Master's degree in Cultural Heritage Development

So how do you work in the art world as a curator? First of all, it is essential to have a university education that incorporates historical and artistic notions, but also skills in marketing, architecture and interior design. In addition, one should always be informed and updated on the latest European organisational tools, even to the point of acquiring notions of museum legislation. One of the tips for those who wish to work in this profession is therefore to take (at the end of the university cycle) a master's degree in museology, management and valorisation of cultural heritage, obtaining the appropriate certificate.

Starting the profession

At the end of the Master's degree (which, in all respects, could be defined as a true postgraduate course), it will be possible to have all the necessary skills to work in the art world as a curator of exhibitions or cultural events. In this case, you will have the opportunity to become museum directors, or museum management employees, or even valued employees of archives, libraries or, in general, to operate in all those contexts whose main objective is the valorisation of culture through exhibitions or exhibition spaces. This will be possible either by overcoming public competitions that have these subjects as their object, or by responding to job offers from individual museum realities scattered throughout the territory
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